About me

My story

Hello! My name is Karolina and I’m 20 years old. My story begins in Poland, a place where I was born. I lived there 17 years until things got hard for my family and we decided to move out to Germany. The first year there was horrible. I couldn’t speak German. I didn’t know anyone there so the only people who I could talk to were my family members. After one year I did huge progress in German language and my teachers decided to move me to the normal, German class. I wasn’t fluent in German so I had to work much harder than other students in my class. Finally, after 2 years I graduated my high school with good grates. This year I started to study Logistics Engineering at HZ University Of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands.

My love for books

My love for books started when I was 13. I started first class in middle school where I met two new girls, which were book lovers. They introduce me to the book world, which completely consumed by it. My books series I fell in love were Precious Stone Trilogy. I read all three books in three days. Next, I read all six books of The Vampire Academy and The Mortal Instruments. Thanks to this three book series I fell in love with books and reading.

Vlissingen, 2019

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