Four book series that made me fall in love with reading

The Ruby Red Trilogy by Kerstin Gier

I was 14 years old when I met two girls that were completely in love with books. We became friends and they introduced me to ‘The Ruby Red Trilogy’. I spent three or four days on reading all three of them, day and night. I don’t remember how I did it since now it’s hard for me to stay longer than 2 a.m. because I’m already falling asleep. It was the first time that I got into another world, lived someone else lives and didn’t want to get out. I read it again after five or six years and it had the same effect on me so I highly recommend this book if you haven’t read it yet.

The books describe the life of 16-year-old Gwendolyn Shepherd (Gwyneth in some countries) who lives in the shadow of her cousin Charlotte who has always been destined to have inherited the time travel gene that is passed down through the females in their family. Surprisingly, Gwen is the one who suddenly without any training jumps through time.

I would talk a lot about this book and all the events that happen there but I don’t want to spoil it to you before you will read it. I love the love plot in this book and Gideon de Villiers will always stay in my heart as one of the favorite books characters.

Short anecdote: This book is written by German author and the movie adaptation of this book is originally also in German. I moved to Germany four years ago and after three years I’ve written a final exams in German to graduate high school there. I didn’t speak German before I moved there so I studied a lot to finish the school as soon as possible and I achieved my goal. Unfortunately, my German wasn’t as fluent as other people in my class that was born there so to prepare myself for the German final I was watching all the movies and read these books.

If we were in a film, the villain would turn out to be the least-expected person. But as we aren’t in a film, I’d go for the character who tried to strangle you.

Ready when you are.

The Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

When I was younger I was a huge fan of vampires stories. I watched all seasons of The Vampire Diaries and all movies of Twilight so when my friends borrowed me this book I started to read immediately and got into it very quickly. This book had such a great sense of humor. I was laughing, crying and rereading the best parts many times. The main character Rose is such a badass, strong and confident that even if she made a lot of big mistakes, she was still someone I look up to. I think that everyone does mistakes but the most important part of it is what you learn from them and she was a great example of it. She works hard for her future and motivates herself to be better to show everyone that everything is possible. Moreover, the way she cares about people she loves and would do everything for them is her biggest attribute.

Rose Hathaway is a young dhampir who is trained to become a guardian of her best friend Moroi princess Vasilisa “Lissa” Dragomir. The story begins outside the academy where girls are hiding from the guardians and lives on their own after running away two years earlier. They are caught and brought back by Dimitri Belikov and his team of guardians. As Lissa is a princess, she didn’t meet bigger consequences of her behavior, while Rose under the custody of Dimitri needs to take an additional guardian training to keep up to all the students. Girls have a unique bond between them so Rose is still assigned to become Lissa’s guardian and to protect her from the Strigoi. As everyone thinks the academy is the safest place for the young vampires, they don’t suspect that their enemies are closer than they think.

Only a true best friend can protect you from your immortal enemies.

The only thing better than imagining Dimitri carrying me in his arms was imagining him shirtless while carrying me in his arms.

The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

I think I’m not the only person who as a teenager fell in love with these books. I’m still a huge fan of Cassandra Clare and read almost all of the books she wrote. I remember that first time when I got this book I hated the cover so I didn’t even want to start reading it. I’m really glad they changed the covers through the years because the one I borrowed from my friend was awful. I read the first book in one day. Again spent the whole school day and night reading it (I really have no idea how I functioned back then, I didn’t need sleep at all). The story was very unique for me at this time. The characters were built very precisely and each of them played a huge part in the story. The thing I still love in Cassandra Clare’s books is that all of them create one magical world and their story never ends. Every character has a chance to tell  its story and we have the chance to know more and more about them in each book, even if they are not the main characters. I was so happy when they announced that the movie will be produced and the Lily Collins was casted to play Clary Fray. It was so exciting to see it and the movie itself came out so good. It still hurts that they didn’t produce another movies and instead produced the tv show, which in my opinion is incomparable.

The story begins when Clary Fray and her friend Simon Lewis decides to go to the club where she become a witness of a murder. The odd thing is that she was the only person in the club that was able to see it. Clary meets Jace who was the one she saw in the club who killed a man. He tells her a story about a secret world of shadowhunters and downworlders and demons. Only people with angelic blood are able to see this world and she is one of them. Everything complicates when she got back home after emergency call from her mom and finds whole apartment in ruin and no mark of her mother. Together with Jace Wayland and other shadowhunters from the New York institute she tries to find her and get back home.

The boy never cried again, and he never forgot what he’d learned: that to love is to destroy, and that to be loved is to be the one destroyed.

It’s your gift, to see the beauty and the horror in ordinary things. It doesn’t make you crazy, just different.

The Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan

I think this was the last series of all I got recommended from my friends. At first I wasn’t convinced by description. It just looked like not a type of book I would like. Especially when you had to read a book a check meaning of half of the words at the end of the book. Now that’s the best part of it because you can completely feel the vibe of the book and the world inside. I got through two first books in few days but when I was reading the last book I couldn’t put it down. I read all 700 pages in one day during the Christmas break. I think it was right before or after the Christmas Eve so I guess I completely ignored my family and whole celebration, closed myself in the room and kept reading it. Well, it was worth it. The funniest thing is that I don’t really remember what happened in this book. I remember the main plot and name of the heroine but that’s all. I remember better which songs I listened during this time, and now every time I listen to these songs it reminds me about this book. I definitely need to reread it.

The story of Sonea a girl living in slums who tries to live in the world under the rule of magicians. Her life changes when she discovers that she possesses the same precious power and even more strength of an average magician. The problem appears when the magicians guild wants to find her. She tries to avoid them as long as possible because she thinks they want to kill them, while in reality, they want to bring her in to teach her to control her powers.   

It is said, in Imardin, that the wind has a soul, and that it wails through the narrow streets because it is grieved by what it finds there.

How am I going to make friends with these people if all I can think of is how easy it would be to rob them?

What are the books that made you to love reading?

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3 thoughts on “Four book series that made me fall in love with reading

  1. Yes! I adore the Ruby Red trilogy!! I even found a new friend through these books. I read them to my mom and she loves them too. They are just so comfy smh.

    And I agree with The Magicians Guild, too. I don’t remember much, only that I was flew through them. I really want to reread them though!

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