Book Review // Throne Of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Book review

I’ve heard a lot of opinions about this book. Some were saying that this book is garbage, another thinks that the book is a masterpiece. When I started reading this book I wasn’t sure on to which side I will belong. I needed one hundred pages to make a decision and say that this book is amazing. Celaena Sardothien is an Adarlan’s Assassin, who was brought from by prince of Adarlan to the castle, to take a part in the competition to become a King’s Champion. After a year the salt mines of Endovier she had to work harder than other competitors to get back her straight. During the time of the competition, our protagonist found friends, love and acceptance. Not everything went as easy as she thought it will be. She didn’t need to worry only about her victory but also about surviving. Celaena Sardothien is a strong and confident woman, who fights for her freedom and independence. Beyond her abilities, we are able to see through her more in deep to find her kindness and caring side.

I really enjoyed that the love plots were not the main focus in this book. Just a tiny bit of adoration between characters was enough. Celaena didn’t need more because of the situation she was in. Love is a beautiful thing but it is complicated so I’m glad that an author didn’t overdid it. Another part I really liked is how her friendship with Nehemia was developing with each chapter and the final scenes where all the secrets came out. They are both very strong women that need to fight for everyone that they love and care.

In the book appears also other characters that are worth mention. Dorian Havilliard is one of them. Honestly, I think that the Crown Prince was underestimated by everyone in this book. His parents, his friend Chaol, Celaena, Nehemia, everyone think that he is only a spoiled kid who cares only about himself and changes his female companions every night. Meanwhile, he cares about his close people more than they think. He feels too weak to stand up to his father and bring his thoughts to life. He cares more about what is happening in the world more than he talks about. As a prince, he feels responsible for his father acts and is hurt inside by it as well. He fell in love and is ready to sacrifice everything for her but again he is pushed away. As everyone thinks he has everything to be happy and careless, he feels absolutely different.

Another character I really enjoyed in the book was Chaol Westfall. I didn’t like him for the first time. The captain of the guard tries to stay as professional as he should be but with the time he can’t deny that he starts to like and trust an assassin. As he trains her for the competition, he truly believes in her victory and notices that she isn’t a person who he thought she is. He helps her during the competition more than anyone else. Chaol lifts her spirit more than once in the worst moments. He’s a friend to her, who would do anything for her. He doesn’t show his feelings but deep down he knows about it, and he isn’t sure if it’s good or bad.

Favorite quotes

A lovely girl gazing at the stars, and the stars who gazed back.

I name you Elentiya, ‘Spirit That Could Not Be Broken’.

We all bear scars,… Mine just happen to be more visible than most.

My name is Celaena Sardothien. But it makes no difference if my name’s Celaena or Lillian or Bitch, because I’d still beat you, no matter what you call me.

Names are not important. It’s what lies inside of you that matters.

We each survive in our own way.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I honestly can’t wait to start reading a second part of the series. I highly recommend this book for all YA Fantasy lovers. Again, I need to say that Sarah J. Maas is an amazing writer with a huge talent. I would like to thank her for the journey she took me with this book, for all my tears, for making me and laugh. I hope you all did or will enjoy the book as I did.


You can find me on Instagram, Goodreads, Twitter ❤️

4 thoughts on “Book Review // Throne Of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

  1. Glad you enjoyed this book! I really enjoyed it when I read it a couple years ago and I’m thinking of rereading it so I can carry on with the series this summer!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t know if you notice but in this book I detected some similarities with the ACOTAR books. Okay, maybe is the opposite because the ACOTAR books were written after TOG. I’m not say is a bad thing, I did kinda liked it and I’m enjoying it so far. For me I would say that Dorian is my favorite character. I didn’t like Chao as well, but know he is just that for me: a character. Dorian actually own my heart. It seems someone who can be easily manipulated but through out the all journey he became someone completely different from my inicial thoughts. I really like him. I hadn’t finished the book yet. However I think I’m the worst reader ever, cause I went looking for spoilers. I know, I know…don’t judge me! Most of the times I do it. I just can’t stand my curiosity and I need to full that space in order to sleep well 😂
    I really did like the review. Keep going with the good work 🙌

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I detected it as well but for me, if I liked the book I’m more than happy to find these similarities. I’m a fan of Sarah J. Maas and I hope I won’t be disappointed with the next books. I feel the same about Dorian and I hope that his character will develop more and more in the next books.
      I’m the opposite😂 I hate spoilers and I really try to do not read about books I want to read or I am currently reading. I like to go through the book without any knowledge about the ending etc. but I know a lot of people like you so it’s fine😂 Hope you will like and enjoy the rest of the book!
      Thank you so much! It means a lot to me!💕


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